Michael Cleveland

Sociétaire | Toronto


Portrait de Michael Cleveland
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Bill 190: Ontario Government proposes further amendments to workplace legislation

Hot on the heels of its March 2024 amendments to workplace laws, last week the Ontario Government announced its intention to implement another round of changes when it introduced the Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (“Bill 190”) in the […]


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Bill 124 declared unconstitutional: Implications for the Education sector

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently found Bill 124, Ontario’s public sector wage restraint legislation, to be unconstitutional.[1] As a result, the Court declared the statute to be void and of no effect. However, the government has announced their […]


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Bill 124 declared unconstitutional

On November 29, 2022, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled[1] that Bill 124, Ontario’s public sector wage restraint legislation, is unconstitutional. As a result, the Court declared the statute void and of no effect. The provincial government has announced […]


Avis aux employeurs : Nouvelle réglementation fédérale pour les congés de maladie payés dès le mois prochain

Le lundi 7 novembre 2022, le gouvernement fédéral a publié la version définitive du règlement pris en vertu du Code canadien du travail qui accorde dix jours de congé de maladie payé aux employés des secteurs sous réglementation fédérale (aviation, télécommunications, transport […]


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Bill 88—Working for Workers Act, Part 2 passes third reading

On April 7, 2022, Ontario’s Bill 88 (the “Bill”) passed third reading in the Legislature and is anticipated to receive Royal Assent in the coming days. As summarized in our previous communique published when the Bill was first introduced, the […]


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New Canada Labour Code regulations exempt certain transport drivers from hours of work and scheduling rules

Effective February 1, 2022, new regulations made under the Canada Labour Code (the “Code”) will exempt specific classes of federally regulated employees, including some transport drivers, from certain Code provisions concerning hours of work and scheduling. These exemptions form part […]


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Michael Cleveland quoted in Global News segment on vaccine mandates

Global News

Michael Cleveland was quoted in this segment on vaccine mandates at work: A series of recent decisions has shown labour arbitrators are considering the specifics of each workplace and policy in determining whether the mandates can be imposed in a […]


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When are COVID-19 vaccination policies enforceable in unionized workplaces? A review of recent arbitration awards

In two decisions released last week, labour arbitrators ruled upon the enforceability of workplace COVID-19 vaccination policies. In one decision,[1] the arbitrator upheld the employer’s policy as reasonable. In another,[2] an employer’s vaccination policy was found to be unreasonable.  These […]


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Government of Ontario providing financial relief to help employers cope with impacts of COVID-19

On October 6, 2021, Monte McNaughton, the Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development, announced a number of proposed changes that, if passed, will help employers across the province of Ontario cope with the economic hardship imposed by the COVID-19 […]


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Ontario Human Rights Commission provides guidance for businesses navigating COVID-19 vaccination policies

On September 22, 2021, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (the “OHRC”) released a policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates. The OHRC’s statement provides welcome guidance for businesses looking to implement proof of vaccination requirements for […]


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