Nathalie Marchand

Associée | Montréal


Portrait de Nathalie Marchand
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Série de portraits d’avocates dans Droit Inc.

Droit Inc.

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, Droit-Inc propose une série de portraits d’avocates passionnées et inspirantes qui ont su conjuguer leur pratique avec leur vie de femme et leurs convictions personnelles. Claudia Desjardins Bélisle | Associée | […]


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Flow-through share financings for mining exploration companies

Flow-through shares provide tax incentives for investors to invest in the equity of “principal business corporations”. A “principal business corporation” for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “ITA”) includes a corporation of which the principal business is […]


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Nathalie Marchand and Troy McEachren quoted in The Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail, "Ontario court to consider whether a will can be witnessed online as many Canadians draft new documents"

Nathalie Marchand and Troy McEachren comment on notarial wills in Quebec in The Globe and Mail. In Quebec, a third option exists called a notarial will, in which a notary witnesses the signing and the document does not later need […]


La planification successorale et l’importance de maintenir un plan successoral à jour

Un certain nombre de facteurs motivent les individus à s’engager dans le processus de planification successorale. Parmi les facteurs de motivation les plus courants, on peut citer un changement d’état civil, les naissances ou les décès dans la famille, un […]


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International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) to Private Client Laws and Regulation 2020 – Canada

ICLG Private Client 2020

Wendi Crowe, Dwight Dee, Nathalie Marchand and Rahul Sharma of our Private Client Services Group authored the chapter covering Canadian law in the 2020 edition of the International Comparative Legal Guide to Private Client Laws and Regulation. The international guide […]


Analyse du budget fédéral

Analyse du budget fédéral


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